Yin is in!
Yin Yoga Workshop
Saturday - 1/19
9am to 11am
Setting Intention will be the topic
Yin Yoga is the perfect complement to our busy lives. Winter is a Yin season and invites us to go inside. In the Yin practice we pause to 'hang out' in some simple poses to find our center and moisturize our creaky joints.
We move slow. We move mindfully.
Any-body can do Yin!
I am still..........
I am loving the Yin! Incorporating a couple of poses into the beginning of each class ...... Sitting in the postures on the floor as I eat, read and write. Yet another new unexplored 'yoga' world has unveiled itself to me.
I plan to hold two hour Yin workshops every month. The next one scheduled is below!