How to use a pendulum to tune into your intuition.
This breath pattern is diaphragmatic breathing. Also referred to as abdominal breathing it occurs when we are taking deep complete breaths. The lungs become full which pushes the diaphragm downward causing the belly to rise and it is a magic pill for health!
Lowers blood pressure, releases serotonin (the feel good mood stabilizer), lowers blood sugar, slows aging…..
We were born breathing this way. If you watch a baby’s breath the first thing you notice is how much movement there is in the stomach. But we grow up and life tends to put a ‘belt’ around our waist, sending our breath high up into the chest. We become habitual shallow breathers. Never taking a life affirming full breath.
Come to along to see what's in the box! Joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) teaches you to eat local and what's in season. It is a process. Be patient and you will be rewarded with better health, a new relationship with your food and a deeper respect for our earth.