Summer is the season of action. Of transformation. Moving forward!
We noticed in Winter and uncovered what we want in Spring! Now is the time to step forward. To see what we want and create change. Becoming comfortable in the uncomfortable.
Summer is the energy of fire which is the only element which can take one element and transform it into another. Ice to water, water to air, matter to ash. Our internal heat, passion and confidence that 'I Can' and ' I Will'!
Nourishment - Eat locally. Eat fresh. Eat raw. Eat organic. A CSA share (community supported agriculture) or buying from the local farmer's market ensures that you are eating seasonal food from your area and will support the earth, cut down on waste and the use of our natural resources, and will support our small farmers.
Eat the plants growing right around you. There are so many wild weeds waiting to be noticed! All you have to do is head out to your yard and neighborhood with a basket and scissors. Stinging nettle in a saute or dried for infusions. Shiso and Mustard Garlic leaves in your salad.
Movement - Steady and strong. Try new activities - hiking, camping, paddle boarding. Be outside for longer hours and sleep less. Follow the rhythm of the sun. Sleep at least one night under the full moon.
The fire element of Summer is activated with asana postures of strength. Arm balances such as crow and side plank. Postures that challenge us such as handstand. Holding standing postures such as the Warrier poses for longer.
Self Care - Adding in some lighter oils for skin care (almond, grapeseed, jojoba). Being barefoot in the house and in the yard. Lying in the grass. Making tinctures and oils now with the medicinal plants (motherwort/lemon balm/stinging nettle/comfrey). Sleep with the window open.
The Garden - Grow plenty of herbs in the garden or containers! Use them in your cooking and salads. Place cuttings in vases throughout the house to bring the outside in. Compost your garden clippings, eggs shells and coffee grounds. Try growing a few new plants each year to expand your skills! Sit near each of your plants individually to listen - watch their habits and learn their lessons.
Activities - Step out of your comfort zone and step toward. Write the first chapter of that book! Finalize the resume and send it out!