It’s November and time to start making stock for the winter months! It is so easy, uses most of your CSA scraps, saves you money, is more healthy than store bought and tastes unbelievable.
Here is all you do……
- Keep some sort of seal able container in your refrigerator (about a 3 quart size); Mine is a Tupperware cereal holder
- Every time you chop vegetables, throw the scraps in the container
- Carrot ends and peels, celery ends, garlic and onion ends or scraps, stems from the chard/kale/collards, apple/pear cores, zucchini/squash ends, parsley or dill stems etc
- Just stay away from beets (makes it too red), cabbage or potatoes (makes it too cloudy/starchy), tomatoes
- Once the container is full – for me about 1 to 1 ½ weeks – pour it into a crock pot.
- Cover the vegetables with water just so they are submerged
- Put in a few pinches of salt
- Turn onto low and let cook for 11 hours – I start it after dinner and turn it off in the morning
- Let it cool and then strain out the liquid into quart glass canning jars once cool (fill to an inch below the top)
- Freeze them!
- When ready to use set it out to defrost or put in a pan of water on the stove (not too high) and melt
Everyone always says my soups are delicious. I don’t do anything special….it’s just the stock! You can throw almost anything in and it will turn out great and feeds the family for two days.
Also makes great gifts for the holidays. Give it to friends (and tell them if they return the jar they may get more) Bring it to a party host instead of the standard bottle of wine!