Join me online or in the studio!!
I am now holding classes both in person and via Zoom
Weekly Schedule
With links……
Monday 7:00 - 8:00 am Sunrise Vinyasa
Zoom Link
Monday 4:00-5:15 Yin Yoga
Zoom Link
Tuesday 8:00 - 8:45 am Guided Breath/Meditation
Zoom Link
Tuesday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Vinyasa
Zoom Link
Wednesday 9:00 - 10:15 am Slow Flow/Gentle
Zoom Link
Thursday 8:30 - 9:15 am Guided Breath/Meditation
Zoom Link
Thursday 6:00 - 7:30 pm Vinyasa
Now In Person Only!
$20 for one class in a week; $25 for two classes; $30 unlimited
Here is all of the nitty gritty……..
How to get Zoom:
For those who haven't been on yet, all that is needed is your pc or your smartphone with Zoom downloaded onto it. A pc is better only because the screen is larger for you to see me. You don't have to create an account if you prefer not to. You just have to have the app.
If a fear of technology is holding you back......let me know and we can get on the phone and walk through it!!!!!
From your Droid phone find your Google Play Store option and then search for Zoom and download the 'Zoom Cloud Meeting'; On the Iphone you will find it in your 'apps' store.
On the PC you can go to this link and download from there: or from the website under 'Resources'
How to log in to a class once you have Zoom:
The links above will take you right into the class beginning 10 minutes before the class start time. Once you are in you will see me and any other students who turned their video on (otherwise you will only see their name)
At the beginning I will leave everyone unmuted so you can ask questions, say hello etc; Then once we begin I will mute everyone so there is no background noise. As we sit up from final savasana, unmute yourself if you would like to be able to be heard. I don’t have the ability to unmute anyone.
One class a week the cost is $20. Two classes a week is $25. The other option is $30 for as many classes as you would like to take that week.
This will all be on the honesty system as I have no capability to be able to track everyone and numbers of classes etc. So keep track yourself and send in payment every week or two or whatever feels right.
Payments can be:
Check to Serenity Circle Yoga - 8201 Caraway St., Cabin John, MD 20818
Venmo to Sarah-Cahill-3 (a Wonderful option - and this may be the time to finally sign up!) Your children are using it already, Go to Venmo-com to sign up. So easy to use and helpful!
Paypal to (Again very easy)
If you are out of work or feel this is a financial burden, please adjust the payment down. I don't want anyone not to practice due to finances. We all need this right now!
Please spread the word!
If you have any friends or family who you think might want to join in, feel free to forward this email. The more the merrier!
I love to receive feedback after classes, and would love to hear if there are different days, times, classes that you are hoping for in the future.
Ok, let the questions begin!