Neti Pot
To keep allergies at bay, lessen congestion, avoid colds and flu......use the netti pot daily! Fill with a 1/2 teaspoon of ground sea or celtic salt and room temperature or lukewarm boiled water and stir. Place end in one nostril and lean head slightly to the other side, keeping forehead higher than nose (as if you are placing an ear on your shoulder).. Water will run out the other nostril. When the netti pot is 1/2 empty switch sides. When finished blow the nose gently - do not blow hard.
Tongue Scraper
This is the one I use. Each morning or evening after brushing your teeth you simply draw the scraper against your tongue from back to front several times. Removes build up and stimulates the tongue, improving the sense of taste. Over time you begin to recognize the quality of your diet by the texture, color and quantity of what is removed by the scraper.
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
Joining a CSA is good for the farmers, your health, your budget and our earth! Eat seasonally, locally and organic to tune into nature's rhythm. Come with me as we see what is in today's share!